‘Print’ which intercepts the printer output from a program to make a PDF file.
This choice is sometimes called ‘Export’ or ‘Convert’. Modern Office lets you make a PDF directly.
‘Save As’ to save a version of the original document to a different format.
There are two ways to convert a document to the PDF format: PDF files are usually smaller than Office documents and are ‘fixed’ so the reader has limited ability to alter a PDF they receive. Saving Office documents to Adobe Acrobat PDF files has always been popular – more these days because the tools to do it are commonly available and often free. Web links, bookmarks and page backgrounds can appear, or not, depending on how you choose to make your PDF. So essentially the process would only need to be run once per Revit session.How you choose to make a PDF file from Microsoft Office can make quite a difference to how the PDF file looks and behaves. NOTE: In most situations having opened the printer settings through the print expand list will initiate it for the rest of the session.
Open up the normal print dialog and print.
Make the changes preferred in the settings > click ok.
Without clicking on the print dialog, expand it and choose printer settings.
Click ok, if not possible just click cancel - for this workflow it is the same.
Select the specific printer you want to use.
If the above workaround did not achieve a suitable workflow proceed below:
In the Windows 10 settings, set the option "Use your last used printer by default" to On and in the Revit Print dialog box, avoid choosing Microsoft Print to PDF.
In the Windows 10 settings, choose a third-party PDF printer or any other printer (but not Microsoft Print to PDF) as the default printer.
Workaround: Install third-party PDF printer software, if none is installed.